From concert pianists-turned regional farming moguls to fashion trailblazers, dentists, health service providers and vets, some of South Australia’s most impressive businesswomen are leading the charge across the state’s industries
We are focusing on partnering with not-for-profit, retail, allied health and healthcare and legal industry in 2024 to ensure everyone’s personal data is adequately secure and handled.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, only two in five business owners in SA are women – a statistic the state government hopes to change.
Amy joined her husband Luke Smith to help promote and raise awareness about cyber resiliency to community and industry that she is passionate and familiar with: small to medium business, not for profit and legal.
She is excited to join a group of esteemed women and further grow Secure State and better herself as a leader in a typically male dominated industry.
Read more of the article here.
Want to align yourself with a female-led business that is passionate about small to medium business?
Click here and fill out the form and we will be get in touch.